How We Works
1. Order Confirmed
Once we have received your order officially, then we start processing to further steps. As order confirmation is the very first thing to come into the picture.
2. Approval of Layout
After order confirmation, our engineers start working on the layouts of the work, and with multiple layouts we take the approval from the client. And once the layout is approved we proceed to the next step.
3. Cutting Material
According to the layout approval, we start cutting the material so that we can start the inintial shaping on the project. And it involves multiple steps to complete the material cutting.
4. Fabricate Structure
After cuttung the material we start fabricating the structure of the project. Which is very important part for a better project outcome.
5. Welding & Water Proofing
After completion of the fabrication we come up with a real structure of the project and further we start joining the work with welding. Once welding completed, next step is very important which is water proofing.
6. Chemical Cleaning & Primer Coating
After water proofing, we have to take the cirrective measures for the cleaning as well, so we opt the chemical cleaning. Once cleaning done we coat the cabins with primers for inner looks as designs.
7. Concealed Internal Wiring
And this step involves the wiring of the complete cabin, as the wiring is the crutial part of the cabins. We have to be very sure that all the wiring is working properly and making no harm to the cabin.
8. Insulation & Internal Panelling
Insulation and internal panelling involves the insulation of complete cabin and installing the paneles properly. So that we can ensure the durebility of the cabin.
9. Outside Painting
Once the paneling is done we paint the cabin from outside using epoxy paint followed by 1 coat of epoxy primer and 2 coats of paint. And to give an aesthetic look to the cabin, the lower border (patta) is painted in dark colour.